Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht

Die Kanzlei Şenay Okyay

1. Auf einen Blick:

Frau Okyay ist seit 2005 zugelassene Rechtsanwältin und hat im Jahr 2009 den Fachanwaltstitel für Arbeitsrecht erworben.

Der Tätigkeitsbereich der Kanzlei liegt im nationalen Arbeitsrecht (Link zu 2.) und im Dienstrecht internationaler Organisationen (Link zu 3.).

Im Bereich des nationalen Arbeitsrechtes berät und vertritt Rechtsanwältin Okyay neben Arbeitgebern insbesondere Arbeitnehmer, Angestellte, Führungskräfte und Geschäftsführer in Kündigungsschutzprozessen, bei Aufhebungsverträgen und Vergleichen wie auch in allen weiteren Fragen des individuellen und kollektiven Arbeitsrechts.

Seit 2008 vertritt und berät sie auch Bedienstete von internationalen Organisationen in den internen Verfahren und vor dem Verwaltungsgerichtshof der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation in Genf oder den jeweiligen Appeals Boards.

Ms. Şenay Okyay has been admitted to the bar since 2005 and obtained the title of specialist in labor law in 2009.

Her practice focuses on national labor law and the labor law of international organizations (Link zu 3.).

Since 2008 she has been representing and advising staff members of international organizations in the internal proceedings and before the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labor Organization in Geneva or the respective Appeals Boards.

2.  Tätigkeitsschwerpunkte im nationalen Arbeitsrecht:

  • außergerichtliche Verhandlungen sowie die Prozessführung in allen Instanzen bei arbeitsrechtlichen Streitigkeiten

  • die Gestaltung und Verhandlung von (Muster-)Arbeitsverträgen und Anstellungsverträgen für Geschäftsführer, Führungskräfte und Arbeitnehmer inklusive Bonusvereinbarungen, Beteiligungs- und sonstige Anreizprogrammen

  • die Beratung bei der Abberufung von Organmitgliedern und deren Vertretung im Rahmen von Aufhebungsverhandlungen

  • die Beratung von Unternehmen in kollektivrechtlichen Angelegenheiten sowie auch datenschutzrechtlichen und compliance-bezogenen Fragestellungen

3.  Labor law of international organizations:

In the sector of international law, Ms Okyay gained inside knowledge regarding the functioning of an international organisation during her internship in the Legal Department at the European Patent Office (EPO) and worked also as a consultant on a fixed-term contract in the Department International Cooperation of the EPO.

Since 2008, her practice as a lawyer has focused on the consultation and representation of international civil servants of all grades (including Principal Directors) of the European Patent Office (EPO) in a wide range of legal questions in administrative and medical procedures before the following committees, boards and tribunals:

  • the internal appeals committee of the EPO

  • disciplinary committee of the EPO

  • the Enlarged Board of Appeals of the EPO

  • the Administrative Tribunal of the International Labour Organisation (ILOAT)

4.  Cooperation with staff representation and staff union of the EPO (SUEPO):

She is working closely with the staff representation and staff union of the European Patent Office, section Munich (SUEPO) and has advised and represented staff representatives and union members of the EPO in internal appeals, administrative procedures and before the ILOAT. She also has represented

SUEPO in legal affairs before national authorities, national courts, political boards and drafted legal opinions on legality, immunity and examined comparative law with respect of German national law and international law.

She has also consulted staff associations and staff members of other international organisations, such as the European Central Bank, the United Nations, ESA, EMBL, ESO, European School (including representation before the Complaints Boards) and represented staff members before the EUMETSAT Appeals Board.

In 14 years practicing as an international lawyer, Ms Okyay has fought over 200 legal cases and built up profound experience (link zu 4.).

5. Legal Experience:

Ms. Okyay gained valuable and comprehensive experience and in-dept knowledge in the functioning of an international organization, in the structure of the legal system and the interplay of the Convention, the national Constitutions and the Staff Regulations by representing clients

  • in over 200 cases in internal proceedings and

  • more than 60 cases before the ILOAT.

She has also successfully settled several cases pending before the ILOAT with the EPO.

Political cases:

Ms Okyay is experienced in highly political cases (including communication with the Press), as she has represented during the Presidency of Mr Battistelli the former SUEPO Chair and in addition a Board of Appeals Member. These major cases lasted several years and are due to their legal complexity and impact on the entire organization well known within the EPO and the respective legal communities.

6.  Legal approach:

Her approach is characterized by the fact that she always develops the strategy closely with her client. To understand the interests of the counter party and anticipate their next move is one of her specific strengths. Due to her legal expertise and tactical experience Ms  Okyay is usually able to find very good solutions for both sides, even in difficult and seemingly muddled situations.